An individual or a legal entity becomes a reader of the library by issuing a reader indentity card on the basis of a filled reader application form and verification of these information by the personal documents and payment of the registration fee. The registration is valid for 365 days from the day of the payment.
A reader of the library can become:
An individual with with a permanent or long-term residence in the Czech republic who verifies this fact by:
- valid personal identity card,
- residence permit,
- residence card of an asylum seeker,
- a document issued by the Czech republic proving that the applicant has received a permition for a residence in the Czech republic for at least 6 months.
• an individual who has a valid indentity card, however is not able to verify a permanent or long-term residence in the Czech republic must pay an interest-free deposit which is returned after a termination of the membership. However this deposit can be used for a discharging of claims of the reader against Jiří Mahen Library,
• a child under the age of 15 with a written consent of parents of other legal representatives in a form of a signed reader application form of a child and a proof of its identity in an adequate manner,
• A legal entity (on the basis of an application form signed by its statutory representative together with a stamp and a proof of its existence) after a presentation of a valid personal or company indentity card by a worker who is certified in writing for loan executions. In this case the legal entity is liable for obligations, not the certified worker.
A user of the library for blind or week-eyed people can be only a visually disabled person who verifies his / herself by:
• a confirmation by a ocularist, Czech Blind United organization or Tyfloservis
• a ZTP-P card
By signing a reader application form, a reader is obliged to obey all the provisions of Jiří Mahen Library regulations and simultaneously agrees with a usage of his/her personal data in accordance to the Act No. 101/2000 Coll. for an issuing of a reader card which is necessary for the providing the loan services of the library. After the expiration of the reader card validity and settlement of all the obligations to the library, the personal data will be erased from the automated database and data in paper from will be shredded according to the classification, shredding and archive regulation of Jiří Mahen Library (by course of Act No. 97/1974 Coll., as amended by Act No. 343/1992 Coll. about archives).
By signing a reader application form of a child under the age of 15, a parent or other legal representative takes over the responsibility for obeying Jiří Mahen Library regulations from the part of the child.